Friday, June 6, 2008


I was just hit by how tired I feel. I sat down to write, my dinner settled suddenly, and now I feel ready for bed! It's only 6:30 PM, though. I often wonder why grownups feel tired after a meal. I've noticed that after a child eats they usually have too much energy to sit still. They need to talk, run, jump, play... do something! I remember being just such a child. My sister, Kara and I would run around the living room until we were so hot we would throw our shirts off and continue our run. I remember hearing my mother comment once while watching us, "That's what food is supposed to do for you." She said this with her chin in hand, leaning on the table, looking quite sleepy. I thought it was funny at the time, but now that I feel the same way my mom did (does) after a meal it isn't so funny.

If most mothers are like me, they're often tired. They just seem to notice it more when they slow down enough, slightly relax for awhile, and think about themselves for a moment. That usually comes right after a meal. I haven't figured out whether it's all the responsibility (because I seem to get enough sleep now), my metabolism, my age, or the constant testing. Testing of my patience, testing of my character, testing of my position as mother, testing. It's an interesting, priceless, difficult job being the mother I want to be and the mother I am. It's all so tiring. Completely worth it, of course, I just wish I had more energy!

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