Sunday, June 8, 2008


Every morning, unless someone is supposed to come over, I like to hang out in my pajamas for at least an hour. There's something so comfortable and cozy about pajamas. This morning, as I stretched my time in my pajamas, I realized that I also like to leave them on to help me feel productive. How so, you wonder? Well, in my mind, when I'm wearing cozy, comfy PJ's, then it's morning! I got up this morning around 7:20 a.m., started a load of laundry right away, got Ethan and Madeleine breakfast, and started my kitchen clean-up/catch-up (I didn't clean any yesterday during the Sabbath day). I loaded the dishwasher and filled the dish drainer full of clean dishes. After those were done, I switched loads of laundry. Robby woke up around that time, so I fed him, changed his diaper, and got him ready for his day. I then got busy peeling and slicing apples for an apple pie. After the pie was in the oven, I switched loads of laundry again. Then, I put away all the clean dishes, loaded the dishwasher part way again and filled the dish drainer full of more clean dishes before heading down to switch loads again. Each time I went to the basement to switch loads of laundry I took hampers full of laundry down or other items that belonged in the basement to make the trip fully worth it. After loads were switched that time I went up and started folding an awful lot of laundry, then went around collecting clothes from various rooms, took the children's sheets off their bed, put away clothes, checked my email while I fed Robby, and went back to the basement to switch loads. I don't know if I wrote all of them down, but I had six loads done in my pajamas! I felt really successful. I finally took my shower around noon, then switched loads, got the pie out of the oven to cool, and made the children lunch. It was a productive morning, don't you think? And the best part is, I feel perfectly clean and as if I'm only now beginning my day!

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