Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Yesterday was a day full of interesting exercise! I helped my husband herd all of our sheep into a pin and give them shots (probably more difficult than it sounds to you city slickers out there). We also gave all of our goats their shots. I had never given anything a shot before yesterday. After I got used to it, it was actually somewhat fun... like playing doctor. I'm probably the only weird person on the face of the planet that enjoys giving anything a shot, but here I am! I found it interesting that the biggest babies were the rams and our billy goat, Bill. He (Bill) was the biggest baby of all. He let out a loud, "Baaaaaaaaah" when we had to give him his second shot. Then he went running around tossing his head back and forth. He got so irritated over the discomfort, he started butting all the rams in sight. The rams did the same thing after their shots - tossed their heads side to side, then started ramming each other out of irritation. You probably would have had to have been there to see why I found that so funny.

It was nice to have so much outdoor time yesterday. Instead of the predicted rain and 50's weather, we're getting high 60's, 70's, and plenty of sunshine. It's always nice getting weather the children can enjoy. Children are full of so much energy, they basically need plenty of acreage and good weather to use it all up in. Our whole family functions better when Ethan and Madeleine get their well-needed outdoor play in each day.

Today I plan on making several pairs of earrings I'm going to sell, hopefully get around to trimming my rabbit, Jake (an Angora), and tend to my everyday chores. I hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday as much as I am!

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