Monday, October 6, 2008


We finally found out sheep! It took quite the adventure to find them. My family and I had to drive up the very steep, rough, rocky hill behind our neighbor's house to finally catch sight of them. The children and I got out of the car (we were nervous it wouldn't be as safe going over the slope over to the other side as it had been up to that point) and walk down the hill, then got back in the vehicle to drive over to the sheep and llama. We chased them over to the edge of the hill towards home. It was too steep there to drive any farther, so I put Robby in the backpack carrier, and got out of the vehicle with the children. My hubby had to drive back around to get down the hill/mountain. It started to rain as I trekked down the gravely hill side as quickly as possible to herd the animals in the right direction since they were headed the wrong way. It was quite the hike/run. I held onto Madeleine's hand, carried Robby on my back, kept and eye on Ethan, and all the while ran down the steep slop as fast as possible without falling. After we got to the base of the hill we ran to get in front of the animals to head them off and get them turned in the proper direction - towards home. Not too long later my hubby showed up and together we got those sheep home. It's so nice to have them back. We had a good amount of prayer into that search! My parents, three friends, and us! It really was an answer to prayer that led us to them, because I really felt we should go over that hill even though it seemed too risky with the vehicle (if we had gotten stuck no one would have gone out to get us out - that's how far up we were and how rough it was). I'm so glad we did, though, or we may never have found them! They sure had gotten themselves lost. I sure hope they don't pull any more shenanigans like that when my hubby is away to start his new job!

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