Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Sunday Drive on Saturday

Today my family and I got to go out for what I would think of as a little "Sunday drive," only, of course, it was Saturday. What started out as a search for ripe huckleberries turned out being an afternoon of soaking up sunshine, blue skies, and the woods in all its glory. I always enjoy going out and experiencing God's creations. Today I got to enjoy picking wildflowers, taking snapshots of flowers, trees, and other things that inspired me, reminiscing over things I used to study in the woods with my mom & sisters, talking to my husband, and just appreciating my beautiful family. Here are a few of the pictures I took:

Rose hip (I think)

Indian Paintbrush

A tree a beaver felled.

A peaceful brook.

This is a sad one. This was a deer that tried jumping a fence and apparently got it's hind haunches stuck. Ouch! What a bad way to go.

And this is the crazy bouquet I picked today. I don't know the name of every flower in the bunch, but that big yellow one is a wild sunflower, the red ones are Indian Paintbrush, and I have some foxtail in there.

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