Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Farewell Ruby-the-Goat and More

Today is a good day. Ruby the goat (the one who was always getting her head stuck in the fence) went away to a new home today along with one of her kids. I'm glad I won't have to worry about getting her unstuck everyday now!

Schooling the children has been going very well this week. Ethan is learning how to read and doing a good job of it. He is also getting better and better at writing his letters.

A local gift shop in town is planning on taking a dozen of my handmade greeting cards on consignment. I sure hope they sell well! I'm working on them this week hoping to get them done quickly. Here is one of the ones I made the other day:
I don't know if you can tell the flowers are glittery and there is stitching on a few places on the card, but there are. I really need to work on my photography skills for close up shots like these. I can't decide if the fault lies in me or the camera.

Well, I just thought I'd update everyone before I get back to work on my cards. I probably won't post again until I get the dozen done! I need to get those in the store ASAP! :)

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