Thursday, November 5, 2009

More of Why Nicaragua

The reason we chose Nicaragua over any other Central or South American country is for two main reasons:

1. Nice year round climate. The temperatures are consistent year round, and are based on elevation, so there are a lot of micro climates - from hot and humid at low elevation to cool and rainy in the mountains, and everything in between. This makes it possible to grow crops year round.

2. Nicaragua is the poorest Central American country, which makes everything more affordable.

Off the top of my head the reason I wouldn't want to live in each of these Central American countries are as follows:

Mexico - Politically speaking, this country is dangerous.
Belize - Way too much rain here. They get more than double the amount of rain that Nicaragua has, which causes fungus growth issues for farmers. Also, Belize has more English speaking citizens, which cause prices to be higher than in Nicaragua.
Guatemala - Too much rain.
Honduras - An unstable government.
El Salvador - I may need to read more about El Salvador, because at the moment I can't think of any reason this wouldn't be a good place to live. I know some areas of El Salvador are too warm and get too much rain, but it looks like some areas have consistent 70's weather and a decent amount of rainfall (not too much, in other words).
Costa Rica - A touristy country - the prices are higher here than in Nicaragua.
Panama - WAY too much rain (about 130 inches a year).

We didn't look into South America before choosing Nicaragua, but with what knowledge that I do have of South America most of those countries have more seasons, which isn't as good for year round farming.

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