Sunday, February 10, 2008

Creation vs. the Theory of Evolution

It's funny, the subject I find most difficult to write about is the one I want most to write about: creation vs. evolution. I love the subject and feel I know a lot concerning the subject. However, I find it difficult deciding where to start when writing. Also, I have such a high respect of the subject that it makes me feel as if I could never do it justice. Does anyone have a question to inspire me with? Is there anything about the theory of evolution that makes it seem believable to you? If so, please send a question my way and I will try to answer it the best I can!


yacare said...

Rachel, when discussing evolution vs. creation with non-believers, do you think that it is best to use science, faith only examples, or a mixture? Since you might mainly to video logs now, maybe you would want to answer that on a video? Thanks. David, Karen, and our nine children.

yacare said...

Rachel, when discussing evolution vs. creation with non-believers, do you think that it is best to use science, faith only examples, or a mixture? Since you might mainly to video logs now, maybe you would want to answer that on a video? Thanks. David, Karen, and our nine children.

yacare said...

Rachel, when discussing evolution vs. creation with non-believers, do you think that it is best to use science, faith only examples, or a mixture? Since you might mainly to video logs now, maybe you would want to answer that on a video? Thanks. David, Karen, and our nine children.