Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Swine Flu

I have never once gotten a flu shot and never plan to. I would far rather get the flu than to be 1 in a million who can't walk from getting the vaccine:

Elizabeth and I have had the swine flu this week as did my sister, Mariah (she was tested for it at the hospital). It's no fun, but it's not worth the hype. Maybe it was the fresh garlic I ate the day I knew I was coming down with the sickness that helped me from getting worse, but I didn't even throw up. I had a fever that got up to 104.2, chills, aches, headaches, loose stool, a somewhat bad cough, and pain in my lungs. It was a pain to feel that way and I basically stayed in bed the first 3 days, but I still say this is getting overly dramatized in the news. Fear and worry are not good for your immune system. Thousands die from the flu each year and we don't hear this kind of hype. I'm not sure why the swine flu is getting this kind of attention.

Here are a few things I think everyone should know before they decide whether to get the swine flu vaccine or not:

1. The vaccine contains squalene (MF59) which has not been tested for causing cancer.
2. The vaccine contains thimerosal, a known culprit in causing autism and neurological deficits.
3. The vaccine curiously contains nonoxynol-9 used in spermicides.
4. The vaccine will likely cause (and spread) the flu.
5. No neurological testing will be done to ensure the vaccine is safe from harmful neurological side effects.
6. Monitoring for safety will last 13 months, well beyond the flu season.

Here's a great article to read on the subject of the swine flu vaccine.

Take care and stay well!

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