Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I saw on another blog a cute idea of making a list of the things you like about your spouse and decided to make my own. Here are just some of the things I appreciate/like about Brad:

He takes care of all of the outdoor chores when he is home (that's a big job that includes feeding the oxen, sheep, goats, and chickens).
He randomly brings me a bouquet of roses.
He takes care of all the repairs and maintenance on our vehicles.
He's really strong.
He does most of the laundry ever since my pregnancy with Elizabeth.
He takes the kids on errands with him when I need a little quiet time alone or lets me run my errands alone.
He helps with the dishes.
He keeps the children quiet enough for me to sleep in most mornings
He does most of the grocery shopping (especially since my pregnancy when I was on partial bed rest).
He can write computer code (talk about a foreign language!).
He always tells me I'm pretty even when I'm sick or am 9 months pregnant.
He takes the garbage down to the end of the driveway for pick up (we have a really long driveway).
He keeps our computers working well (updates software, keeps viruses off, etc.)
He completely handles our finances.
He is supportive of my hobbies.
He reads a lot.
He comforts me when I need to be comforted.
He is a thorough researcher.
He's really good with cattle.
He has good taste in jewelry (for me, of course!)
He makes great popcorn from scratch nearly every night for our movie time together.
He values healthy eating.
He has always been supportive of breastfeeding and homeschooling.
He's a good problem solver.
He can learn to fix just about anything.
He's very supportive of home birth.
He has a green thumb (not literally, of course).
He's a wonderful provider.
He's a good protector.
He's really tall.
He likes me.
He has a good, deep man voice (that my not sound like much, but I really miss it when he is away!)
And last, but definitely not least he loves me!

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