Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fun Times

Although my children are still on the tail end of a cold and Robby is teething in four new teeth all at once, I was still able to find time last night for a night out with three of my girlfriends (and Robby). We all had a great time and several laughs watching, "Dancing With the Stars," then made some greetings cards before ending our evening with a yummy cranberry nut bread.

I've always loved watching some good dancing. I sure wish I could dance like some of those ladies in that show! My sister, Mariah can and I hope someday I'll be able to, too! I realized last night that I probably like watching figure skating and dancing because of it being an expression of music. I usually like the dance or skating routine so much more if the song is one I like! I know I can't sing and getting good at figure skating would be a long shot, so I hope that someday I'll be able to dance.

Robby was so cute last night. He has entered the clingy stage where he won't let me out of his sight, so he mostly quietly sat in my lap smiling at everyone and acting shy. He is such a cuddly, hug-y baby! It's hard to believe he is nearly 10-months-old already. How time flies!

Well, when I get a chance I'll have to update everyone on farm life. Things to do with hides that need to be made into rugs, birthing goats, and death. I hope all is well with you and yours!

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