This past Saturday the four Scottish Highland bull calves my hubby picked out were delivered to our little farm. These little guys will be trained to be a team of four oxen. The main difference between these guys and our 1 1/2-year-old bulls (Little Bill and Curly Sue) is that our first pair had been bottle babies - already used to humans. These new guys have been out in a field with their mamas for the first six months of their lives, which will make it slightly more challenging in the beginning. However, I have no doubt my husband will do a wonderful job and they'll be as tame as Little Bill and Curly Sue in no time at all. They've been here less than a week and they already seem to be getting used to me more (my hubby has been away on a business trip since the day after the calves got here). The calves acted like a bunch of rodeo bulls when being led out of the trailer they road here in. Here are a few pictures (we haven't named them yet):

The rancher we bought them from trying to lead one of the two brindle Scottish Highland calves we bought. That little guy gave a good fight. He was jumping and kicking up his heels for awhile! Part of the problem was the rancher giving the calf too much rope, so he couldn't keep the calf under control.

My husband working on leading the other brindle calf (brindle is the name of the color - a brown calf with blond highlights basically).

One of brindle calves getting to know Curly Sue.

Curly Sue (I'm still not into that poor ox's name, but I can't seem to get anyone to call him something more manly like Burly Boo) and Little Bill checking out the calves.

A brindle calf. He's a cutie.

One of the two black calves with a brindle going to check out the hay I gave them.
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