These mules, in spite of pulling that big bulky wagon behind them, won the Canadian maze race!
These folks nearly won the Canadian race. They sure went fast! It would have made sense if they had been the fastest with that nice, small, light wagon and a good looking team of horses pulling it.
A beautiful team.
Later, when Ethan was telling his papa, Jack about the draft expo he summed it up with, "It was kind of boring." It did last a long time for little ones, but I enjoyed it! All three of the children did great sitting still for the whole thing. I was very proud of them. Here's Ethan talking to his papa about the expo:

Here's a picture of Robby that doesn't really go along with the rest of this post. I can just see it in his little face - he was contemplating what to do with that pencil first before Mom noticed (the golden head is Madeleine's):

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