Sunday, December 13, 2009

Still Behind Schedule

Boxes, both full and empty, are everywhere. And yet, we don't feel anywhere near done! We have a lot more packing to do before we'll be able to move out of here. Brad thinks there is no way we can get move out of this house within two weeks, so we'll plan on getting out in January. That means, Brad probably won't be able to leave until February. That's right! I forgot to mention, we've gone back to plan A. We may end up going together still, but for now we're back to planning on Brad going ahead of us. Part of the reason we went back to this plan is, because Ethan's birth certificate and passport are behind schedule. I'm sure this process is going slower than expected partially due to the holiday season being upon us. I'm hoping to get a small, furnished place not far from my mom for a month or two before joining Brad. In that time, I'm hoping Brad finds a nice place for us to live in, gets internet service to that location, and is able to begin the process of decision (whether Nicaragua is the place for us, what area of Nicaragua is best for farming, etc.) So, that's where we're at with our move.

The kids and I have a cold right now, which is too bad. The sore throat I have is awful. I'm looking forward to us getting well again.

1 comment:

Anna said...

oh, so sorry to hear of the upheaval you are in-- sick, boxes and changes of big plans! We'll be praying for all of you during this transition! Forgot to ask last week-- do you already speak Spanish? I do, and am ready to practice at any time. I also have a Mexican Spanish-only speaking friend we could get together with! Let me know what your schedule allows!~A