Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back on Track

The cold has finally passed. Ethan had it for the shortest amount of time and I'm thinking it's because he prepared for it better. He consistently took Echinacea tincture, Elderberry tincture, plenty of liquids and vitamin C. If I had been making sure all the children took those things before cold season even started we may have been able to avoid that cold! However, it's very difficult to get a 3-year-old to take things like that. She'll take the vitamin C without a problem, but the nastier tasting things are a whole different story. I took all of the above as well as ate fresh garlic and was able to avoid the cold all together. I'm very thankful for that! It's hard enough tending to 3 little ones with a cold without having a cold yourself!

With everyone well again we're back on track with schooling, schedule, and chores. Both Ethan and Madeleine have reading lessons each day along with beginner math, writing, and science. They're both doing really well! I had to include Madeleine since she couldn't stand for Ethan to get all of the "attention"! Robby isn't as quiet during lessons as he used to be. He is learning to get around better and better all the time. He climbs up onto the couch, climbs behind the couch into the bay window, then back down. He usually aims for Madeleine lap on the way back down right on her school books. It's entertaining, but distracting, so I try to get him to sit somewhat quietly with some board books on my lap.

With the season change upon us we're preparing for winter; ordering hay for the animals, my husband is finishing up a few summer project he had going, etc. Madeleine and I built a campfire pit yesterday so we can have a few campfires this autumn. I thought it would be a fun evening activity - gathering wood together, sitting around the campfire and baking potatoes or corn in the fire. I remember all the summers of camping from when I was a child and my favorite part was always the campfire. So, why not have that here at our own home?

Well, I should get back to work! I hope everyone is doing very well!

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