Clearly, I abandoned this blog for over a year! I don't know where the time went... well, maybe I do. Still, it just slipped by and is gone into the great abyss. I bring with me memories and experience of buying and selling goats, sheep, chickens, thrift store items, dumpster diving finds, and things for other people. Of children's school lessons, funny things they've said, and pains they've endured and healed from. Of a road trip partway across the U.S. to the state of Michigan and back, seeing family members, new friends, and old friends. Of abundant blessings that I still thank God for to this day; new tires, big checks, kindness, love, understanding, shoulders to cry on, friends to laugh with, a stray cat adopting us and cat food from people at church, treasures found, a healthy nephew born, lessons learned, Madeleine's eyesight (she had an accident that could have caused her eyeball to fall out on the one side), and so much more (both little things and huge things)! I could continue down my lists of things I'm remembering as I look back, but that may just be one of those things that do or do not come up slowly on this blog. Most who read this blog probably already know the things I've been through and some may remember them better than I. :) I've been enormously blessed, made it through plenty of trials/struggles, grieved losses, and made it here alive, a little bit older, and hopefully a little bit wiser.

Me, cutting hay for goats the slow way before getting a weed eater. :)
Ethan, Madeleine, Robby, and Elizabeth with their Aunt Julie on our road trip to Michigan.
Elizabeth's 3rd birthday party at the park: we got rained out and the only dry spot to open gifts was Maya's stroller (Maya is my one and only niece... such a cutie!)
The nephew I spoke of with my beautiful sister! I love this little man. :)
What Elizabeth did to her birthday dress the first time she wore it.
Madeleine and Elizabeth playing dress up.
Elizabeth, Madeleine, and Robby (taking a picture of me) looking too cute.
Robby drinking his water while we waited for Ethan to finish his birthday shopping with Grandma on his b-day (Ethan likes to shop and go out to eat with his grandma for his b-day every year now.)
Robby (5), Ethan (9), Madeleine (7), and Elizabeth (3) ready for another school year. :)
So here we go! A new beginning in the blog world. Maybe I'll even get back to writing articles as I did when I was writing The Wild Truth magazine. :)
One way you can catch up with many of my past adventures is to go to my YouTube channel
HERE. :)